Sunday, February 23, 2014

Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

I'm noticing a pattern. Every time I start working with JJ on a new day, I feel like everything we achieved the previous day has been lost. Yesterday after our workouts I felt thrilled with our progress - JJ was relaxed on the lunge line and we had had several training breakthroughs. I had also put pseudo-side reins on him to encourage a lower head set, and he handled it quite nicely. At the end of the day I had a relaxed, listening horse - it was great!

Today I started with the same set up - saddle on, pseudo-side reins attached to the halter. JJ trotted around like a mad-man and threw in some minor hissy fits (see video below). $#$%#@$%!!! WHY!! We worked through these little tantrums yesterday!! "But that was yesterday", Sue says. And she's right. Of course I should expect a little extra energy from him at the beginning of each day's workout - he's a thoroughbred with limited exercise space on a high-calorie diet! He's behaving REALLY well considering! So as long as we end each day on a high note, I should be very satisfied. 

And we did end today on a high note. After our first lunge exercise session (which really wasn't that bad at all) and a little break, I saddled JJ for the second time and this time put a bridle on as well! WOOT! Rigged the pseudo-side reins through the bit and took him down for a second lunge session. HE WAS AWESOME. He seemed quite perplexed at the pressure of the "side-reins" through the bit, as well as the lunge which was now behind his ears rather than over his nose, but he did really well. And he looks SO GOOD when he puts his head down. This, to me, is very exciting. Gotta admit, I got a little antsy to get on him seeing that!! Just waiting for him to be ready at this point... 

JJ Lovins. Please ignore his screwy stance ;)

And at the end of the day, we have moved forward.

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