Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Doing My Lunges

Nope, not those lunges! Yesterday, JJ lunged for the very first time in his whole entire life. Did he flip out? Did he rear and buck and bolt like an idiot? NO!!! He trotted around like a perfect gentleman the whole time.

Lunging is basically exercising the horse in a relatively small circle on a long line (like a lead line but quite a bit longer). Race horses are never lunged as part of their training or workouts, so this is an entirely new exercise for OTTBs, and you never know how they might react. JJ was AWESOME.

Bad Pony on Lunge
Bad Pony on Lunge

 Some horses try and pull all kinds of crap on the lunge line, but JJ acted like an old pro!

JJ on Lunge!
Since JJ was so awesome yesterday lunging to the left (the only direction racehorses ever go), we tried him to the right today too. He was certainly very unbalanced, but acted perfectly fine. YAY!