Friday, February 7, 2014

It's a Boy!!

So. A lot of new things today. Well, at least in the past few days. Yesterday I (quite stupidly) decided to purchase a horse over the internet, sight unseen. He is a four year old thoroughbred, straight off the track (as in, he last raced in December). He is about 16.2, chestnut, and very, VERY lanky - partially because he is built that way, and partially because he was clearly neglected at the track and very underweight.

First night in New York.
He loaded the trailer in West Virginia on Thursday evening, and arrived here in New York this evening (Friday) at 5:50PM. He came off the trailer very carefully and fairly quietly. He was not blanketed and shivering violently due to the cold and, of course, his lack of body mass. He managed to keep all four feet on the ground on the way up to the barn (as in no rearing or bucking), and only had one moment of spook when he saw the hay ladder stretching down from the hayloft in the door of the barn. He got over it fairly quickly and without too much drama.

As soon as he was in a stall we put two blankets on him. He is very well behaved when you have him on a leadline, but loose in the stall he will make his way to a corner. There is no aggression in this action, it seems like he is just afraid. Clearly he has not been treated well in his life. I'm glad, if nothing else, that he is in a better home now. I don't know what the future will hold for the two of us, but I do know that we'll be taking it slow. More pictures tomorrow. I don't have a name for him yet.

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