Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Fields and Fox Pups!

Well, the good news is that now that I've been getting after JJ about his feet the kicking out has pretty much stopped completely. We did have to have a brief but effective discussion about the appropriate uses of teeth today, but I think I made my point quite clear. This is the first time a teeth issue arose and it was very similar to the beginning of the kicking issue - no aggression behind the behavior, just typical baby stuff. But, alas, I've learned my lesson about ignoring the "baby stuff".

Random adorable fox baby at the barn

Every day that I've ridden JJ this week I've either started or ended in the field. I really think he likes to get out there even though we just walk around (barring any uncontrolled variables such as a herd of deer...). Yep, we did run into deer Saturday morning. They burst from the woods not 20 feet in front of us. JJ seemed to think that was the BEST THING EVER but calmed down after a few snorts, farts, and a moment of dancing.

On Monday I took JJ into the back field with a another horse and rider pair. I was pretty impressed with how oblivious he was to the other horse - that is until she hit a pile of leaves and scared the crap out of him. He's such a baby. Oh wait... He is a baby... I have to remind myself of that fact 20 times every day!

Random adorable fox baby at the barn
Always trying to keep JJ's brain ticking, I free lunged him in the round pen today and then set up a small vertical for him to ever so gracefully leap over. Ahem... or... Ahem... Run away from bucking... In hindsight, I clearly should have placed the pole on the ground before setting up the TEENY TINY little "jump", but hey, I'm still learning too. Sigh. I waited until he calmed down enough for me to lead him over the pole, and literally led him over it SIX TIMES going left. Yes. It took six times for him to stop spazzing out over the darn pole. I led him over it twice going right and figured that ought to be good enough. Got him trotting around again to the left and he trotted over the pole quite easily. I had him change direction and go right and OH GOD THERE'S A POLE THERE!!!! Sigh. Led him over the pole six times to the right. We did, eventually, get over it in both directions, and I even took a video of it for your viewing pleasure!

And finally - the bad news is that JJ seems to have developed a mild case of rain rot on his hindquarters. Rain rot is easily treated but makes little scabby bald patches in the coat which makes JJ look more scraggly and pathetic than ever. All well, I'm really glad it's not something worse!!

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