Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Updates Galore: Racehorse Relapse and More!

Ooh. Epic April fail - many updates needed! I'll let most of the pictures/videos speak for themselves.

April 9th: Attempted another canter on the J-Man. J relapsed into racehorse mode. The following ensued:

After that I had several really nice rides on JJ, including an EXCELLENT trotting lesson the day before I left for a week-long visit to MA/NH. Which means JJ had a week off. I knew what to expect upon return...

April 20th (return from break): I only lunged JJ, and actually he only had a few small outbursts. Nothing like his flying days of February. Also, note his brand new booties courtesy of Lisa's tack shop ;)

Yesterday, Monday, I decided to forgo lunging JJ at all. I swear it just makes him more wound up and stressed out. I brought him down to the ring and hopped on his back, and he was like a little angel. Well, up until he heard to quad driving around and delivering dinners, but you can't have everything I guess!

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